Hier finden sich Gebetstage, Ereignisse, Veranstaltungen, die uns geprägt haben.

Here you'll find days of prayer or events that have had an impact on us.


During the late summer of 2014 ISIS had spread over huge parts of the Niniveh plain, standing next to Mossul and other important places. A year or so before the Lord had called a man to establish a Prayer House in this region, to bring HIs Presence in. Now the town in N-Iraq where the Mesopotamia House of Prayer had started was only a few hundred meters from the properties, where ISIS had risen their black flags. The town was packed with refugees from Syria and Iraq. Everyone was in fear the jihadists might take over in only a few days.

The answer was: prayer. Prayer movements, churches, communities in the Middle East started to pray for MHOP; European and oversee HOPs joined in. So did we.

MHOP in security started to pray for MHOP in dire needs. There was a worldwide 50 hours prayer call for God's wings to shelter, for a miracle, for the Presence of the Lord to come and stay in N-Iraq. We as a small place managed to fill 25h.

MHOP in N-Iraq is still there; for "some reason" Isis did not walk up that hill. The HOP does a great work in bringing hope, faith, healing and food to the refugees and the inhabitants. And they live "The One New Man" of every nation and background.

In 2015 we were lucky to host two missionaries at MHOP Vienna for an overnight stay on their way back home: A Messianic Jew and his Christian Arab friend and translator; they shared fresh news about their teaching time at MHOP Mesopotamia!